Game features

  • Alternative story: different epilogues for the possible finals
  • Simple Mechanic: send troops/ place towers/ wait and see
  • Main theme that fits with the gameplay and different soundtracks for the epilogues
  • Pixel Art that haves life *–*
  • Singleplayer with an AI that’s simple and interesting
  • Online Multiplayer mode :\ (need LAN connection and IP input)
  • “Keyboard” Multiplayer in a splitscreen view 🙂
  • Cutscenes with the leaders of the armed confront – Hitler, Stalin and Roosevelt

So… What is COLD WW2?

Created by the indie development group 5thTower, in Brazil, this Tower Defense game is set on the World War 2, where the player must take the role or Roosevelt or Stalin, two of the leaders who took part in the Allied group.

In this alternate history, players must survive to the final attack of the Nazis while the time period indicated in the gameplay, a period that will run out when Hitler is dead. Furthermore, the pursuit of the leaders for peace will boost an early Cold War: players can send troops that will infiltrate across the battlefield and attack the other player.

The game presents 4 different epilogues that are generated based on the survival or not the players in the final conflict. In single-player mode, the other player is controlled by AI. In multiplayer, players can play together in a game on a local network (LAN) and the connection is initiated by passing IP.

However, players can play together through a splitscreen mode that allows the multiplayer occur on the same computer via the keyboard use.